Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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12th Regt. Vt. Vol. Militia -Camp Casey, Capitol HillWashington D.C. -Oct. 23d, 1862My Dear Wife -

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Your welcome letter written last Sat. Sunday & Monday was received tonight. I was glad to get so long a letter from you & to hear of your welfare. I am sorry that your health is no better. You must not work too hard. I want you to be well at least while I am away. I hope matters will come round so that you can spend the winter with me - If we should stay in Washington you can be with me all the time, but that we can tell nothing about.

My foot is improving slowly. I still use crutches. I step my foot to the ground some in my tent, but do not out doors because I have nothing I can get on. I had a present of a crutch from a lady todya, a napkin, an apple, some maple sugar, books & papers. So you see the soldiers have some friends. It was from a lady who visits some of the soldiers hospitals every day. She has been in our camp every day for some time

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tho' I have never seen her not even today. I have got my tent now in good shape. I wish you could see it. Today Nelson has fixed up with what little help I could render him what he calls a clothes press. We have set up a board against one side of the tent, with a shelf over it, & some nails driven into the first board, so that I now have a place to hang a few of my garments - My tent looks as tidy as possible - I sleep very comfortable indeed - as comfortable as could be expected without my bed fellow. And we have at last a new dining room - one that we can sit in comfortably. We have a large tent for a dining room & a smaller one for a kitchen. We have got things quite comfortable for a camp.

We have very cold nights - quite as cold as you have in Vermont and for three days past the wind has been intolerable.

I am not sorry that you have let the back room, but you must be sure to move very book & paper out of it or they will all be wasted. And my book case in the hall must not be disturbed by any body. I know Mr. Chamberlin. I presume it will be all right.

I hope you will see to things about the office. I left some valuable papers in my

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desk at the office - in the drawer - & the key I tied to a piece of tape attached to the handle of the drawer. You had better get the key.

Henry may have my overcoat for five dollars or four if that is too much. It will do a good deal of service. I can wear my military coat after I get home, by changing the buttons.

I am sorry for Mrs. Corliss, but the boys did not get their pay at Brattleboro for board & I suppose they think they are not under obligation to pay until they get their pay - I will do the best I can for her. Tell her to make out her bill for all the time they were with her, not by the meal but by the day, whether they got their meals or not if she provided for them & I will try & get it. I will get it at any rate when they get their pay.

The Regt. had a brigade drill today under Genl. Casey. Our Regt. appeared very well indeed. I had a chance to see them.

This evening the officers have recited to me in tactics, so you see I am good for something if I am lame. How unfortunate it is that I should be lame now. It was not the horse that was given me that threw me off, but the other. The one that was given

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is a fine horse & has no bad tricks about him. I long to be upon his back again.

Tell Mr. Prichard that he will hear from me soon.

Regiments are encamped all about us & they are coming very rapidly & going away rapidly. Since we have been here, a great many have encamped within sight of us and left for parts unkonw.

Capt. Chamberlin was in here this evening. He is well & most of the Company. The Co. have a good reputation & are doing well.

Dont forget or neglect to make my woolen collars as soon as possible. You did not mention them in your letter. Did you forget them.

Friday Morning. I will add a few lines this morning before the mail goes. The weather has changed decidedly & we are having a most beautiful day - The other day Col. Jewett was down here - Sunday - & he promised to hunt up Zeke & do something for him on my account. If he will do so, & I have no doubt he will, he can make it much easier for him. When did you hear from him last. I wrote a line to him when we first came here but have heard nothing from him in reply.

Write as often as you can. My love to Laura & all the folks.

Your affectionate husbandRoswell Farnham

