Roswell Farnham to Laura

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Camp Lincoln, Brattleboro' Vt.Oct. 5th. 1862Dear Laura:

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I feel a great deal of anxiety in regard to you, altho' I have heard from you almost every day.

I got a line from Mr. Strickland Sat. night in which he spoke of your health. I hope that you will get along without trouble as I have no doubt you will, but I cannot help feeling troubled about you.

Mary & I have very comfortable quarters. We are but a few rods from camp. Last night I was so tired that I did not go to sleep till after one o'clk. We were mustered in yesterday & shall be paid Monday & be off Tuesday.

Some of the men got leave of absense till tomorrow morning & some will perhaps be at Bradford today.

Have some one write often, as soon as you learn where I am to be & I will write longer letters when I get further from home.

Yours affectionatelyRos.-

