George Prichard, C. C. P. Baldwin, and R. C. Johnson to Roswell Farnham

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To Lieu't Col. Roswell Farnham
12th Vt. Regt.Dear Sir.

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We take great pleasure in presenting to you in behalf of your many friends & fellow citizens a HORSE as a slight tribute of our appreciation for the valuable services rendered while connected with the Guards, & now in the more important position you hold in the field.staff.

We believe you have acted from patriotic motives in leaving your professional business, & family, to serve your country in this time of her peril.

We trust that you and all the Officers & soldiers comprising the fine Regiment about to go forth to the field

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of strife, will accomplish their mission of aiding in putting down rebellion, & return with laurels of victory.

Geo. Ptichard
C. C. P. Baldwin
R. C. Johnson

Bradford Oct 4 1862 Committee

