Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]

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Camp Butler, Newport News, Va.Sunday Morning, July 21st, 1861My dear wife:

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Your welcome letter written Wednesday evening & giving me the news of my nomination was received last night. It makes me worry to have you there alone. I wish you would get some good girl or your nurse to be with you all the time now even if you do have to pay wages. I feel a great deal of anxiety about you, and I want to feel that you have all the care you can under the circumstances.

I was glad to hear of my nomination for it gives me a chance to live even if the times are hard as the state of Vermont will be able to pay her debts. But I suppose I could get a situation in the army that would pay three times the amount if I should desire it. I had a letter from Laura also last night & she speaks very much more encouragingly of her ears. There is some hope of their getting better.

Last night we got orders to be ready to leave here in three days, whether towards home or not we dont know. I dont think we shall start for home before the 1st. of Aug.

Blakely starts this morning and will see you

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Wednesday night. He will tell you all about how we are situated.

We dont know where we are to move to.

It is possible that Butler is going to put us to digging till our time is out, as he did the Mass. troops. I hope not.

Write as often as you can.

I have no time for more.

Yours affectionatelyRoswell Farnham

