Roswell Farnham to Mary [Farnham]

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Copy. The original was written in pencil. In the cars atRutland Vt.May 9th, 1861Dear Mary:

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We are just ready to start for New York. Every man in our company is well - a most remarkable fact.

We got up at 3 o'clk this morning and in two hours every company was ready to start.

We were yesterday mustered into the service of the United States, and took the oath of allegiance - Judge Smalley administering the oath. Col. Rains of the U.S. Army mustered us in and inspected the men. He found none to throw out among our boys and all took the oath without flinching.

As I am now writing we are at Poultney and the Seminary building in sight.

The authorities of the state have done everything they can to make us comfortable. We all have a good overcoat & blanket and are as hearty a lot as ever started on such a trip. When we reach New York we go into barracks in the Park in front of the Astor House. We shall probably remain there two or three days, and then go to Ft. Monroe by water. It is the finest position in the United States and we consider ourselves very fortunate indeed. It is healthy

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and cool, and in all respects a desirable place to be stationed at.

We have just been eating our morning lunch. We had rations served out last night for a day & a half. We have had some of the best boiled beef and bread that I ever tasted.

I don't know when I shall get a chance to hear from you again. Hereafter when you write direct your letter

Lieut. Roswell Farnham
Bradford Guards
First Regiment, Vt. Vol. Militia
Care of Gen. H. H. Baxter
Rutland, Vt.

Gen. Baxter will forward all the letters from Rutland to us by express.

As we pass from village to village we are received with cheers and the firing of cannons. Everybody is out.

We shall probably get into New York in the morning and have a great time there. I have been so busy that I have had no time to write. I have had only one letter from home since I left and it seems a long time.

Mr. Stebbins will probably tell you all about us when he gets home.

You will of course read the papers carefully and see where we are.

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The messenger who came for us from Washington said Gen. Scott has great respect for Col. Phelps and knows him personally. Scott is prepared to think well of the Vermont Regiment.

Yours affectionatelyRoswell Farnham

Love to Laura, Ezekiel and all who enquire.

