Roswell Farnham to C. H. Harding

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I copy all of my letters to C. H. Harding as he wishes to keep the originals. R. F. Camp Fairbanks, near Rutland, Vt.May 7th, 18613 o'clk. P. M.Friend Harding:

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We have just received notice to be ready to start early tomorrow morning for Fort Monroe, Va. So I just take time to write you a single line. We have been having pretty severe camp duty, and not very much leisure time. We go from here by cars to New York and thence to the Fort by water at once. The camp is now full of enthusiasm. Every company gave three cheers in receipt of the news that we were to leave. We have a fine Regt. True Vermonters and as full of fight as so many bull dogs.

Our company is full and in as good favor as any company on the ground. Stebbins can tell you better than I can now write. Tell folks that we are all pretty well and if occasion requires you shall hear from us. I will write more at length as soon as I can. Yours in haste

Roswell Farnham

P.S. Bixby of our company has just been appointed one of the color guard.

