William H. Barton to Hiram Barton

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WinchesterSunday Feb 12th 1865Dear Brother

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I received your most welcom letter a friday night i was glad to hear from you and to hear you was well i am well and hope this will find you enjoying the same blessing thare is no newes here to write onley it is very cold and windy here all the time the wind blows and the snow flys as bad as i ever see it north and it is as cold the sitizens say they have not had so hard a winter in 12 twelve years as this is i suppose they are a fighting same nowdays a round richmond and Petersburg i have not seen eny paper nor herd eny thing for three or four days Mead had gone on to the Weldon Railroad and had a little fighting

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you can git the war newes thare as quick as we do hear i suppose Americus Spaulding has got the Palpitations of the hart agin now thare is another Draft i hope he will have to come this time and thare is a number that i no around thare i hope will have to come this time i will name some of them Lafayett and Americus Spalding and the two Dar Thomsons and a number others that felt so nice to think they dident have to go to war tell them to come rite along for we want all the help we can git i want all to come that voted the sesh ticket it is so cold i cant write any more now Monday it is prety cold to day but not so windy as it was yesterday i have no more news to day than i had yesterday i have seen no papers yet

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Elisha Haskells wife is here in winchester i have seen her but onse to talk with her She says she dont like see so many nigers i saw Elisha yesterday he said the thought she would stay here a week or ten days yet Abner Mead is is hear he came to me to day to no whare to direct a letter to Theadore he said he was agoing to write to him to night I cant think of any more this time write soon and of the newes give my love to all keep a share for yourself yours with respect

This from your brother Wm H Barton

To H H Barton

