Lyman Barton to Melissa Barton

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Camp Near Portsmouth VaSept 10 1863 Dear Sister

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I now take this opertunity to answer your moste welcom letter and was glad to hear that that the folks are well

Since I rote to you we have been down to N C at South mills Camden County I believe We left camp the 18 of Aug for South mills marched about 9 milds then took the canall Verginia Canall marched the next day to South Mills 19 mi Staid there till the 7 Sept then started back and came to this Camp with in 4 milds of ports mouth It rained last night and

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is cloudy to day it rained most all the time that we wer at South mills a good many of the boys got sick down there [] my health is not very good now days

There was 166 conscripts came to the Regt yesterday every one is a substitute except one You must excuse me for not writing sooner this time I received your letter about 9 in the evening of the third and the next day I went on picket and came in sick so I could not answer it before and can not think of any thing to write So Good by Write soon as you can conveniantly

from your affectionate
brother Lyman A. Barton Co K
8 Regt C V Portsmouth VA


