Lyman Barton to Hiram Barton
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I now take this opertunity to answer your most welcom letter that I received the
other day and was glad to hear that you are getting well I am well at presant
and hope these few lines will find you the same We left Suffolk the 20th came
down to Getties station within 3 miles of Portsmouth staid there untill the
morning of the 22 at 1 oclock then started for Portsmouth went aboard of the
trans ports for York town got there about 11 oc staid there untill the 26 then
took the boat for this place where we are a going the Lord onely knows there is
30000 troops here or said to be It has been trying to rain for
2 or 3 days but has not made out much yet The rebs had got a good thing started
if they had got it done it is a round fort with a turn table in it so they could
run a car into it with guns mounted on it so they could fetch it to bear on any
point they wanted to so if they was like to loose it they could hitch on and
draw it of if they had got it done they would made us some trouble there
was our Cavelry came in last night from a raid towards Richmond they
fetched in about 50 wagons burnt about 50 more got 500 mules and horses 110
prisoners Fitz Hugh Lee with the rest destrout considerable grain and other
propity 1 bridge betweent here and Fredricks Burg tore up 4 mi of rail road
and I do not know how much more Spearses Cavelry he went out again
last night The 118 are here the boys are all well I got a letter from Henry last
night he says that Theodore was at home but had got to go back to Albany he had
not got his Discharg the folks wer all well Old Lee is doing great things up
Pensilvany I hope he will get clear through to Canada line I heard that
McCLellan is in comand of 150 thousand troops and that there is 10 dollars
reward offered for Gen Hooker all he is worth I can not think of any thing more
this time So Good by write as soon as you get this and direct to Lyman A Barton
Co K 8 CV
Wahsgton DC
From your Brother L A Barton