Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Barracks N.C.Feby 25th 1864My dear Maria

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Some four of five days have passed since I last wrote you and since that time I have been very busy we are slashing and working very hard to get our place in a better condition for defense and every available man is employed every day either with an axe or spade. I was in hopes that we would be so situated that I could get our new recruits in a proper state of dicipline and drill but our prospects are not good and I presume a month will pass before our hard labor will be finished and drill instituted Maj Bartlett arrived here to day with 16 recruits which

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makes in all we have recd about 450. He did not bring me a horse as I had wished and I feel very much disappointed for just at this time I am in great need of one as my mare is lame and worn out with the constant riding she has had for a while past I recd three letters and two papers from you day before yesterday The piece in the Boston paper I dont care figs for, for there is no truth in it. If any one wishes to know the truth of things on whither the regt done well or not let them examine the official reports of Col J. Jourdan & Maj Genl Peck- which I am happy so say I am not ashamed of. Supper is ready and I will go and partake of my daily egg. I mean by this that eggs have been our principal dinner for a time past.

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Friday Morning 26thDear Maria

I did not get a chance to finish your letter last eve on account of the visiting I had to do with Maj. Bartlett- and some other things fully as important This morning the wind is blowing very hard and my little tent shakes and rattles continually and the dust settles on my paper about as fast as I can blow it off I presume you are not troubled in Vermont in this way with the dust especially. We have moved our camp a little and now have it on the east side of the R. Road. I shall move my tent over there in two or three days, have got two men at work building me a chimney to set my tent against you see I am following the old style- building first the chimney and then building the house around it.

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I hear the whistling of the engine so I will stop and see if we dont get a mail this morning but dont hardly expect one. It seems the train dont come it has stopped at Newport village and not be here for an hour.

Well the mail did come and I got a good long letter from you and it was written Feby 18th.

I am glad the Dr. got the horse for it will get here no doubt in a few days as Maj B- left word to have him sent to N.York and come on with his. I dont get much time to write these days but think I will write to Carrie & Father also Uncle R- shortly

Love to All

Your Affectionate
Husband V.G. Barney

I send you a photo of Maj Jarvis

