Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks N.C.Feby 17th 1864Dear Maria

A steamer leaves this P.M. and I will scribble a few lines to go with her. I recd two letters from you to day 3d & 8th- also one from Carrie Am glad to know little Fred is recovered and past danger. The news of Carrie Bells death is very sad. I think she was a very nice little girl. Lt Jewett has recd the news of his Fathers death only yesterday He talks of resigning and going home but I am in hopes to persuade him to remain in the Regiment. I am in my little A tent and all to myself with a nice little fire place dug into the side of the bank - every thing is quiet and I am well.

Your Aff HusbandV. G. Barney

