Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks NC Jany 30th 1864 Dear Maria

I will write you a few hasety lines. It has been nearly a week since I last wrote but I have been so very busy it has been impossible for me to write before. Our recruits arrived here on the 27th inst and I have not seen one minutes spare time since Maj Bartlett is here with Capt Reynolds from the 6th & two Lieuts from the 2d Vt and fine men they are. they all return this morning Mj with the rest we got about 450 men which fills our Regt nearly full. All our regt went out on a Raid the 27th and retd last night Captured 28 Rebs & horses Col R- calls on me to go with him to Newport good by I will write again in a day or two

Affly Val

