Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks N.C. Jany 10th 1864 My dear Wife

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This is Sunday Eve and I will write you a short letter I have just come from the tea table and feel in a better mode than before I went for I was awful hungry having been pretty busy nearly all day. You will perhaps wonder that I should be busy all day Sunday, but such is the case for taking inspections into account it is about the busyest days we have these days- I presume though were I at home I would consider that even to days work was very easy. the work I have to do here is not much like what I ever had to perform at home. there is much more responsibility and not quite as much real manual labor. I have heard nothing from you since I last write in fact it has been but two or three days since I wrote, now dont you think I am pretty good? and dont I write pretty often and keep you pretty well posted? You wont see me commence many more letters with “No News” for you have made me ashamed of that Style. I have been expecting to hear from Carrie but I am afraid she forgets me with her plays to occupy her mind & time I have to look over my photos often and I assure you it affords me much pleasure. Col R- thinks Carrie is a smart one, says she looks as keen as a [] I hope she will not be backward in her learning

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Does she or Fred ever tell wrong stories? I have wanted to ask this before but never thought of it when I was writing I know that Children often get into that habit and I should be very sorry if either of my dear little ones should- I think it is a good idea to (when they do tell untruths) not notice it but have them believe that you have perfect confidence in them and in all they say. I should hate to have them think that I ever mistrusted they were not perfectly truthful- I hope Maria that you will not feel bad because I dont get home as most every body else has from S- but remember that it is full as honorable to remain where my duties are as to run home and perhaps neglect them. I am or would be almost afraid to go home while it is so cold month. I fear I should be as nearly all are who go north this time of the year, sick for a month or more- still I shall try the first chance I have.

For a few days past we have had rain & it has frozen as it fell the trees and every thing are covered with ice and such a splendid sight I never saw, the weather is what they call cold but ice has not frozen over 1 ½ in thick yet and the ground not hardly crusted over it is almost like our sugar season north. I presume the old Vt Brig. will all be home The 5th I see are there. Our regt would reenlist quick if we had less than a year to serve and enjoy a furlough too. Lt. Bascom act Adjt is sitting here at the table reading he is from Milton & knows O. Bullon Billy Blake, & the Green family.

Good night my dear Val

