Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks. N.C. Jany. 7th 1864 My dear Maria

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I wrote you a letter yesterday but to day I recd three from you all written previous to my last. Dec 21st 22d & 24th and I assure you they were welcome, and I passed one of my pleasantest hours perusing them I am glad you dont wate for set days to write but do so when you feel like it. I cant write regularly as you desire. that is I will not bind my-self to any set rules with regard to it but write when the notion takes hold of me- and I hope you will not compel me to feel that I must write under all circumstances if I would escape reproach- And though many days should pass between my letters I hope you have confidence enough in me to believe that noting of real importance will be left untold which will promote our natural welfare My dear you know me better than any

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living being and I am trying to live so that nothing need be kept from you I mean so that I would not be ashamed to have you see & know every act of my life. Maria you possess the best of my feelings, my whole heart is yours You know I hardly ever speak in very strong terms of my affections towards any one and rather laughed at the idea of talking love. I believed more in showing it in actions, but as we are so far separated, and for so long, and no chance to show you the depth of my love, I cant desist from telling you how near you are to my heart and it seems the longer we are separated the stronger my attachment for you grows- You know I have often told you that we were made for each other. I am of that same opinion still, only I feel it more deeply and know that your love is as essential to my happiness as food is to sustain life. Always remember that we are one and the same that we are united by that which neither time nor power can break. I cant explain to you all that I

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feel I can only say that I believe your feelings towards me are the same as mine towards you. In fact I know they are, for it is not possible for one to feel as I do without the same is returned, so when you really wish to know the feelings of my heart: look to yours- I spoke of it being hard work for me to write that 12th & 13th letter but you mistook my meaning. I meant my mind was too full of business or something else to bring it down to writing a friendly letter and do it as I could wish to- dont you sometimes feel so? I was astonished to hear of H. Platt and really hope the report may be contradicted for I had much confidence in him- The snuff came all safe for which I am very much obliged, my catarrh is entirely cured. I will not write more this eve and get business & weather &c mixed up with sentiment- Why dont Carrie write I want her to often

Your Aff Husband V. G. Barney
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Friday Morning 8th Jany-
Dear Maria
I will just write you a line this morning and tell you that last eve after finishing your letter Q.M. Sawyer Lt. Bascom & Adjt Livingston came in and we had a splendid game of cards. Whist &c. Q.M. & I came out best- We have had rather uncomfortable & disagreeable weather here for a few days. It is what we have called cold but has rained almost continually- I went up to Newport village (one mile) night before last and spent the evening with Capt Sherman (Provost Marshal) at his boarding place ( Nat Porters) & got acquainted with the family some, but find them like all North Carolina people rather poor acquaintances and very ignorant. We have got a new Major. Capt Bartlett Co “E,” formerly from Stowe Vt. he is a good officer and I presume will be a pleasant associate he is at present in Vermont on recruiting service and I dont know how soon he will return I think I will try to get a leave when he does
Your Affectionate Husband
V G Barney

