Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Bks NCDec 27th 1863 My Dear Maria,

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To day is Sunday and I will scratch you a few lines but I dont feel at all in a writing mode. I wonder if you ever feel so. I cant tell by your letters for they all seem written very easy. I am now in my new house and find it much more comfortable than a tent. There are four all sitting her in the room talking on different subjects and my mind dont keep on one thing long. Col R- is stopping with me as his house is not yet finished. The Adj't also. I will get little Noirel to sketch my house and send you in a few days so you can see how I am situated here. When I wrote you last Col R- and part of our men were out on an

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expedition. they returned yesterday they were accompanied by part of the 158 N.Y. The object of the expedition was to destroy a lot of salt which was sold from the schooner "Gen Bigelow" (the same that the steamer “Fulton” captured and was obliged to abandon) a few days previous abt 6 miles below Swansboro. it was very successful, large quantities of salt was destroyed beside three extensive salt works. The boys felt well over their trip and are anxious for another. Jewett was along. We have had a small mail since I last wrote but nothing from you. I got one letter from Silas and it seems he is very busy. This is a very pleasant day for this time of the year. I am sitting at my table with my door open and without any fire and I can hardly realize that it is winter. Silas writes that the sleighing is good in

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Danby, but you dont seem to get much snow in S- yet. I am glad S- will furnish their its quota of troops, but feel that the men should come without such heavy bounties, for it is doing great injustice to our old soldiers who have been out one & two years and recd no bounties and have done all the hard fighting & work. I dont think I have the same respect for those eight hundred dollar patriots as for our old veterans but still I shall be happy to get a few of them to fill up our regt. Lt Kelley who I feared was wrecked arrived here safe last eve. he was not on the steamer we thought and had he been would have been safe for she did not get wrecked as we heard Love & Kisses to you all -

Your Aff Husband VG Barney

