Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport Barracks N.C.Dec 15th 1863My Dear Maria

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I recd a letter from you yesterday the one you wrote just after getting my letter so long on the way and I dont wonder at your scolding I am aware I need a little touching up occasionally, but you know it is not as easy and natural for me to write as for you, in fact I am unable to put my ideas on paper and I would give anything if I could and in good language. I begin to see that I missed it when young in not paying better attention to my business & composing especially. For this great defect in me my friends have to suffer or at least have to go without letters from me, where were I an easy writer I could keep them as in a pleasant mode continually. You know that it is not because I dont think of you that I

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dont write regularly. The reason for that is that It would be impossible as I am situated to do so, and now since I have commenced this I have been interrupted 3 or 4 times and perhaps before I finish will have to stop and let it go till tomorrow, but I will try and finish it so as to go on the morning train for I believe a steamer will go sometime during the day. I have just been out for a ride and while out made $25 in selling a horse belonging to the Q.M. he told me if I would sell him I might have all I could get over $125- I sold him for $175- & divided the profits with the Q.M. though might have kept the whole 50- Horses are very high here and I expect to get me a good one from Vermont before long but perhaps not till I go home myself You ask regarding Sastwell. He is now here and well. he spoke to me about getting a furlough and perhaps he can get one but it is rather hard to get furloughs here as hardly one who gets there comes back on time

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I hope you went to St Albans as you expected and got the childrens Photos for I am crazy to see them. It seems you have some duties to perform like unto an "officer of the day" looking after the sink and I hope you have succeeded in getting one put up and yourself saved all the disagreeable labor of melting snow &c- I dont think you would make a good solidier for when they get orders they obey promptly and dont stop to argue. if they did I should be tempted to put them at knapsack drill or in the guard house. but in your case all I shall require is strict obedience to orders and omit the punishment till I see you You argue very well but I cant see the force of it and as to assisting me by milking is not what I want for you do more than any man could reasonably ask of his wife without that. Cant you get a boy to come and live with you and milk bring in wood- shovel roads &c for his board? I presume there are

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a plenty boys around there who would be glad to get such a place. To day I recd a letter from one of the boys who used to be in the 1st Vt with me. Luther Merits he is at Newbern 17th Mass and a private as any one might guess who knows him. he had heard of me here and took the liberty to write I shall answer to night. The train has just gone down to Morehead City and I understand two steamers are in from N.York if so we will get a mail tomorrow morning and I know there will be some from you for the last was dated Dec 3d. My House is progressing finely and I hope to get into it in a few days then I will be as comfortable. Havent I done well this time & only two days between dates. I send you and the babies my best & warmest love and want you to always bear in mind that it will always be thus

Affectionately YoursV.G. Barney

