Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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You will see by my date that we are on our way- We left Ft. Monroe yesterday
afternoon and have got so far. We had rather rough weather till towards morning
when the wind shifted and now although it blows hard the boat is quite steady as
it is favorable It is now 9 oc A.M. and we expect to land at Morehead City some
time this afternoon. We met the steamer "John Rice" (as we supposed) early this
morning on her way back so expect the remainder of our Regt got through it safe.
I am yet ignorant of our stopping place but expect to go from M- City by cars to
Newbern but may remain at the former place. We are very comfortably situated on
this boat she being longer and spacious. some have been sea sick, but I am one
of the fortunate kind and
even while on the little Canal boat U.S-
when nearly half the boats crew were sick I was as well as ever & enjoyed
the tumbling much and had the laugh on the rest- We have 3 Ladies on board
(Officers wives I think) but they are all sea sick and keep their staterooms
continually and we are all deprived the pleasure of looking at a white woman. We
are now having singing by Capt Seligson and Company who join the Choruses, the
guitar is also quite an addition. I saw Lester just as we were leaving and bade
him good by for the 20th time. he will no doubt get home before this reaches
you. I got a letter from Father yesterday. I am sorry he had not sent the
clothing for the men need it much these cold nights- I will leave this letter on
the boat and it will be mailed at Ft Monroe on her return. I wish you could be
here now and see the
grand ocean and the white caps as they roll but
I presume you would be like the other females sick abed.
Our men are feeling tip top this morning I got a lot of coffee made for them and
a barrel of beef boiled and they are enjoying themselves over it. I hope you and
the "weens" will continue in good health, as you have. I shall continue to keep
you posted If you can read this scrawl you will do well for it is written while
the Craft is "bobing along around"
Yours Aff Husband V.G. Barney