Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Yorktown Va Oct 19th 1863 Dear Maria,

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We are still at Yorktown and I almost begin to think we are to remain here but Col Ripley dont believe but that we will get away in a few days. I dont hardly like the idea of going to Newbern but am anxious to get somewhere away from here so that sickness will be less. We are improving a little now and last eve for the first time in two weeks had a dress parade and had out about 100 men. H. Meigs is some unwell but he tells me he is getting better every day Sartwell has gone to the Genl Hospital at Ft. Monroe Dr. Carpenter thought he was getting along well when he left him. Bellrose is also at the Fort but I learn he is able to return for duty. I am very well with the exception of my throat. that has troubled me some for two or three weeks past and kept me coughing considerably but Dr has touched it every day lately

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with nitrate of silver and now it is much better and troubles me but little. He says it will be well in a few days. Another Negro Regt has arrived here so we have two besides the 148th N.Y. we have not been called upon for any duty for a week past except our duties around camp.- Afternoon- By to days mail letters were recieved from Gen Smith who is doing all in his power to get our Regiment ordered away from here. He says he shall go on to Washington if they it cant be got away without. The Burlington Times says he the Genl has got assurances from Sect Stanton that the Regt is going to Vermont but we dont really expect any such good usage as that but hope to be sent to some healthy place no matter where. Lester is here and performing with his revolver, I have to caution him occasionally to be careful with it. This forenoon a lot of us went out and had a time shooting with revolvers at a target. The Adjt came off best & I second best While loading I came very near getting shot in the leg by the accidental discharge of the revolver but as the

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saying is a miss is as good as a mile- I got a letter from you yesterday also one from Mercie a day or two before- Tuesday Noon I have been bothered & stoped so many times since I commenced this that it dont amount to much Nothing new has transpired since I left off yesterday. We expect orders to leave here for somewhere every hour- The box of clothing has not yet arrived- Our assistant Surgeon S. N. Goss from Georgia V t has resigned and will go home in a day or two I will have him go and see you. It is now time the mail was going so I will close. Love to all & kisses for the babies

V.G. Barney
Lt. Col Cmndg 9th Vt. Vols

Mrs. V.G. Barney
Comndg Infantry

