Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Yorktown Va Oct 15th 1863 Dear Maria

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Not a word of news have I to write but that we are still here. We were ordered away day before yesterday and got everything packed up and the steamer was at the wharf ready to receive us when the order was countermanded so we were the second time disappointed in getting away from this place of sickness and death, but still we expect to leave every day for Newbern I think Lester will go with me. Continue to direct your letters to Ft Monroe and in case we move they will follow me I expect the box of clothing now every day and expect they the Shirts will be large and warm. These I now have are very good yet, but so small I can hardly get them on perhaps I will send them with my sword and other things home by Lester when he goes, Recd a letter from you yesterday. I get them very regularly. Hope you will overlook my irregularity I will write again when we move

Affly Your husband V G Barney

