Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Douglas March 29, 63Dr Wife

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We have just recd orders to be ready to leave here tomorrow morning and we have but a very short time to get ready in, two co’s A & F. go tomorrow I am not certain where but probably to guard a train of Rebel prisoners to City point abt 50 miles above Fort Monroe on the James river. Every thing is kept very still but from all I can learn this is our destination. two Cos will go each day. I have packed out some things and shall send them home when we get to Baltimore in my trunk and buy me a small

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valise or new knapsack for I am not a going to be burdened with luggage I have sold my best boots and shoes and my cap and will get rid of every thing not strictly necessary for me to take into the field Every thing is hurly burly about me and I can think of nothing I will enclose you two of my pictures and will send one of same in the Album. I have so much to see to I cant write more but will write again in a day or two I hall take only 36 men from here write me in haste your

Affect Husband V.G. Barney

