Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp DouglasMarch 22 1863Dear Maria

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Three days have passed since I last wrote and during the time I have had one letter from you. Every thing goes on in the same old way and hardly a thing has transpired here worth mentioning. This is a very rainy wet morning and as guard is not being mounted they are getting a pretty good soaking we are not so much troubled with mud now as the frost is all out of the ground and after a rain it dries up very soon we have had quite a snow storm and thunder at the same time but the snow is now entirely gone and as the larger drops of rain

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come down the lightning & thunder increase. I have not been out of camp for nearly a week and the camp life is getting to be quite tiresome and monotonous to me and I am anxious for a change. as far as ease and comfort are concerned we could not be placed in a more fit place than this as my duties are very light I have never seen so easy a time as I am now seeing but the men are not quite so well off as they have to go on guard nearly every other day. Sergt Meigs is now in charge of the squad of rebel prisoners that Sgt Halbert used to be I though I would have him detailed as it will have him an insight in to how reports are made &c. and be a good school for him My sergts are all good and take a great deal off from my shoulders

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we are now learning the bayonet exercise and the boys take a great deal of interest in it and learn fast but we have so few men that it looks almost like boys play to go out with so small a company I report now only 25 privates for duty and that is an average of the rest but Co H only report 15 and the largest is Co B, they have 32 so you see we are rather slim and I am anxiously looking for the conscription act to take effect so our ranks may be filled up once more to the maximum no. You ask if I have hear from C. Roby. I have never heard a word from him since he left home and did not know he was wagoner till you wrote about it I hope you will always use his family will but _________ you know. I am glad J. Bullard is going to build this summer and I think

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it is the best time he could do it I shall have a barn built and the cistern fixed as soon as we are again paid and if you think of any place in the garden where more fruit trees could be set out to advantage you can speak to Father and have him get some for you. You speak of going to Dnuby in Sugaring but it must be rather late now for that I should think or you will have to go very soon. you can use your judgment as to the time you go but I think you had better make them a visit by all means and as Hattie can help you in taking care of the children I presume it will not be hard for you I hope Hattie will not think of remaining at home for I dont know but I shall want to adopt her as one of our children. Gen Stannard is still with us, but expects to leave soon I believe. How does Carrie get along with her cold I hope they will both continue well, as they have I send you such a kiss I will write no more now but I hope to be able to write something more interesting in my next.

Affectionately your HusbandV.G. Barney

