Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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I arrived here all right this after noon and was about seven hours behind time on
account of the train being delayed but the Col. said that all was right. I found
the Company with Lieut. Jewett in the Camp and in very good health and Spirits
and in much better quarters than when I left them and now while I am writing the
men are singing and to all appearance are enjoying themselves tip top. our Reg,
and the 65 Ill are the only ones here now the rest all having been exchanged and
gone on
to Washington. The Ohio 32nd went yesterday and numbered
only 130 men the rest having left. Our Reg. is not yet exc- and no signs of it
yet. Jewett says we are to be paid off this week and I see it is the general
impression amongst the officers if we are I will send all I can spare by Exp. to
you immediately I had a fine visit at Syracuse and am glad I stoped there. It is
now 9 oc and as I am somewhat sleepy I will close and write you more at length
in a day or two
Yours AfflyVal G B-