Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Sept 20, 62Dear Wife,

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for the first time in two weeks I write to you and since that time much has transpired but we are all safe. We were all taken prisoners at Harpers Ferry on Monday the 15th I was out on picket guard during the whole Engagement and it was a very responsible place I had about 200 men under me and had to hold a cross roads. The Shells burst all around us and I was obliged to shift position quite often to keep out of range. And none of us were harmed I did not go in till after the Surrender we were parolled immediately and all started for some

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where the next morning we are now within 10 miles of Balti- and have walked all the way I understand our destination is Annapolis but dont know certain. We are all very foot sore but walk we must. I lost nearly evry thing but kept my sword & revolver although they were demanded of me twice. Since we left H. Ferry we have had no tents so have had to sleep out every night and as I sent my Shawl with the Baggage I have to depend on some of the boys for a bed at night but they are very kind to me and though it has been raining I have rested well nights we have nothing

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to eat but Hard Bread raw Pork and never to much of that. I could write you a whole volume with regard to things that have been [commited] with for 10 days past but my time is limited and in 15 minutes we have to be again on the march we came 23 miles yesterday and how far we are to go today I dont know but probably about 20 miles. I heard from Elisha he is quite badly wounded in the head but is getting along well we passed within 7 miles of where he was but I could not leave to go and see him. This is the first time I have had a chance to write a word to

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you and as soon as I get an hour to spare again I will give you an account of our whole Affair. I need not tell you of all the hardships we have passed through for you can imagine it all It is possible I shall be at home ere long but cant say positively Love to all & kiss the little dear ones

Truly Your
Affectionate Hus Val

(I am well)

