Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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I presume you are anxious by this time to hear from me I wrote you while on the
boat going from N. Haven to N.Y. I also wrote you while at Washington but as I
have had no chance to get the last to the P.O. I have it yet in my pocket and I
dont know as I shall ever get a chance to send this I could not give you a
history of our journey had I a week to spare but I know we have got to a
stopping place We are now in camp near clouds mills and about 2 miles from
Alexandria we got here yesterday about 3 oc. after a very fatigueing march from
Washington being about 14 miles We are now almost on the same ground where
the Vt Brigade encamped after they came back from near Centreville
but how long we shall stay here I cant say but probably not not long as the Col.
does not like the ground here it being very uneven There are a great many
regiments encamped around here and the most of them are cavalry but where they
are from I dont know yet. The country is in a horid state and not a fence is to
be seen I shall try and go over to see Lewis Griffith the first chance I get. I
tell you I dont think much of this Southern Country and if Washington and
Baltimore are samples of Southern Cities I dont think the whole South is worth
fighting for very hard, for they are the dirtiest of all places that ever I saw.
I have just got back from the road where there has just passed 4
Regts on the way to a review I understand that 4 Brigades are to be reviewed but
a short distance from here by some great Gen. I dont know but I shall go and see
them if I can get permission of the Col. There are now passing a number of
Cavalry Regts and I will stop and go see them It is now about two hours since I
quit writing and I have enjoyed myself well looking at the fine cavalry and in
eating a good dinner which was composed of cold corned Beef Bread Blackberries
& Tea this is the best I have had sine we left Phil- Wm Sartwell is in the
Tent with me and he is a good hand he wishes you to tell his folks that he is
well and that he wants them to write to him. I am well and stand
the marching and hard fare as well as the best of them The boys are rather foot
sore and are off duty to day but for one cause and another I have I have had to
stop writing about 20 times since I commenced writing this letter. It is now
time for the Priest to be around after the mail and I will close and will write
more next time Direct your letters to 9th Vt Reg Washington D.C Kiss Carrie
& Freddie and Keep up good spirits
Your aff HusbandVal