Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Within 10 miles ofN. York on board Steamer Bay stateJuly 16, 3 oc A.M. [1862]Dear Wife

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I thought I would write a few lines as there is a good chance. We left Brattleboro yesterday morning at 9 oc and arrived at New Heaven all safe at 6 oc P.M. and are now lying at anchor waiting till day light to go down through Hell gate as it is dangerous to pass with larger streamers in the night We expect to march up into the City and then cross over to Jersey City and take the cars for Washington but where we go from there I dont know but as soon as we arrive at some point I will write you I find that it makes some difference with me in holding the position that I do.

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from what it did last year with regard to accommodations while traveling We have got along so far very well and the men have kept very straight though I have emptied 4 canteens of whisky for dif ones since we started and I will have more of the same business to do to day I presume as some of my men are bound to be drunk all the time if possible and it keeps me on the lookout to keep them sober The officers were not paid off at B- and will not be I understand till the first of Sept. I am feeling well and am in hopes to stand this life well. I hope you are getting along well. I wrote to George about Het. Kiss the children and write to me and the letter will find me if directed to the 9th Vt.

Your aff Hus V.G. Barney

