Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Camp Davis Brattleboro July 13, 1862Dear Maria,

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I thought I would write you a few lines to night and tell you that we are to leave here on Tuesday morn, and as tomorrow will be a very busy day I did not know as I would have any time to write. I arrived here yesterday at 3 oc, and found all well, and the boys feeling finely as they had received their pay in part and the most of them had spent a good share of it in worthless stuff I have recd nothing as yet but will tomorrow and if possible I will send you some but if I should not you must not be bashful in asking [Jewett] I am feeling quite well and think I will stand it well I am to be officer of the day tomorrow, and Oh, how I will strut around with my sash over my shoulder & be saluted by every soldier I meet I wish you could be here a day or two but there is no use thinking of that

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I am going to write to Silas to night and also to George and I will speak of Hattie to him I want you to have some one with you that you can depend on and enjoy yourself with to some extent and if Hat cant go you had better get a good intelegent Yankee girl and pay her a good price, the thing of it is I want you to be as pleasantly situated as you posibly can be if it costs a Dollar per day for a girl. The Tatoo is now beating and I will have to close soon and go out I forgot to tell you that we expect to go to Washington to garrison some Fort for the present so we are going just according to my wishes. I hope to see you again before many months and those little ones I hope they will be healthy and not be of much trouble to you Kiss them and write soon and direct to the 9th Vt. Reg and it will find us.

> Yours aff Hus Val G B.

