Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney

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Newport News Va.July 23rdMy Dear Maria

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It is now 5 or 6 days since I last wrote you and the time I presume will seem long to you but I wanted to Know something about what we were a going to do and when we were going home before I wrote again so I could give you some information. As far as I can learn we are to leave this Camp in 3 or 4 days and go over to Hampton or Fox Hill abt 4 miles from Hampton and Encamp there for a few days and then start for home which will be about the 1st or 2nd of August We will probably go by the way of Newhaven and from there to Brattleboro where we will be mustered out which will take abt 5 days. it is not Certain whether I will go to D- or not but will if possible. There is no certainty of this arrangement but probably this is not far from what will be done

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Capt. Clark left for Home last night he had a letter from home Saying his wife was in a very Critical Condition and he started immediately and Jewett is now in command of the Co. I understand that she (Esther) is same as she was last year but in addition to that she is in a bad way. I would not wonder if she did not live long. I recd your letter Saturday night and it seems you were in rather poor spirits when you wrote which made me feel bad also. I hope you will not let any such feelings get hold of you again for I will be with you now in a few days and probably without shooting a gun at anyone or one being fired at me, and I tell you I will Know how to appreciate a good home and society of a loving family for I have seen some of the most disagreeable times here I have Ever before seen and when I get back I can give you a History

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To day our Company are out Scouting and will probably be gone until night The reason of their going is that a young man by the name of Whitney of the Woodstock Co. while out yesterday riding in Company with a german officer was shot dead by the rebels who were some 40 or 50 in number. Immediately a Company of our men were sent out and made out in taking two rebels who are now here One of them had blood on his pants and is probably the one who shot Whitney. What they will do with them I dont Know but probably shoot them, so our Co has gone out to see if they can get sight at any more of them and if possible bring them back with them The reason I am not with them is because I am not yet strong enough to stand such a jant with a heavy gun and other fixings My other duties also would prevent me from leaving Camp so Early in the morning. My health is improving

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though rather slowly but I will be satisfied if I can get home as well as I am now, then I think I will be smart in a few days. I went down to the Fort Sunday and stayed there all day which was a very pleasant way of spending one day but I was glad to get back to Camp at night with the rest of the boys. We have now but 4 boys sick in the Hospital and they are gaining Every day and it looks as if we would take all of them back with us. I will write to day home to have some money sent to you to pay Silas and to go [    ] with that is if I dont go that way I will let you Know in time so you can go a day or two before me and then you can see to having some one clean up the house a little befor I get there. I suppose the Swanton folks are going to give us a good time when we arrive. You need not write me again after receiving this for no Knowing where I shall be in one week from now I will write Evry few days and Keep you posted as to our movements; and you must be content if I am without writing Kiss the Children and Accept one for yourself

from your affectionate HusbandVal G Barney

