Letter from HIRAM POWERS to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated July 2, 1866.

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Publication InformationFlorence July 2 1866

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My Dear friend Marsh.

I am sorry to tax your time with my notes -- But as there may be a misapprehension in regard to the Willard case with Messrs Maquay & Pakenham I wish to say that perhaps the latter paid paper beyond the normal value for the gold placed in their hands by Mr Willard -- I do not know that this was the case--nor that they did not, as with me, take full advantage----of the law -- I know that they have done this with others as well as with myself --

It would seem however almost too flagrant a thing to go so far with a stranger--only a few days in Florence--and I think it more probable, that they gave paper at Bankers Premium on Gold, thus subjecting

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Mr Willard to a serious loss at some other money changers office to get his gold back --

In regard to the subject of our conversation today, I mentioned to Mrs Marsh, that if you had not yet sent off your letters--I would--on further consideration prefer to say, that I would--in the present case--do all I reasonably could, to meet the views of the Hon Gentlemen who have written to me in so kind a manner--and that I would waive my full price--for a Statue such as is desired -- Say done and on ship board for $8000--in Currency or gold--this last at your own discretion --

Please drop me a line on this subject for my guidance in the answer I am to make and with kindest regards believe me yours truly,

H Powers--

