Letter from HIRAM POWERS to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated December 22, 1864.
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My Dear Marsh
Yours of 21 inst. takes me by surprize! -- I have heard nothing of the direful diseases you mention--and have just asked our two servants, (women) if they have -- They say no--except a case or two of fever on the other side of the town -- I was at a small party last evening--at Dr Wilsons--where I heard not one word about unusula [unusual] sickness in Florence--and we have some american friends living in a palace--where the inundation was deepest--the water rose 8 feet in the house--nearly half way up the first stairs! -- They live there still--and are well -- This is in Fondoccio [?] St Niccolo -- The inundation was only partial--and not at all like the one about 20 years ago --
I will enquire tomorrow about this matter--and if I find any reason to alter this, I will add a postscript -- With affectionate regards to you and your[s] --
H. Powers -- (over
have enquired further and find no reason to alter what I have said, unless
to say, that Florence is rather more healthy than usual at this season of
the year --
References in this letter:
William Wilson was Powers' doctor in Flornece for many years.