Letter from HIRAM POWERS to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated August 25, 1863.

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Publication InformationFlorence Aug 25 1863

My Dear Friend Marsh,

My wife and I intend to leave here for England about the 2 of September and we shall go by way of Bologna & Turin -- I should have preferred the sea--to Marseilles--but my wife cannot stand that. --

The principal reason for our visit to is, the expected confinement of our daughter next month, and she insists on her mothers presence on the occasion.

We know that you are to go to England soon--and it has occurred to us--that perhaps--we might all go together--which would be most delightful to me and my wife --

I write these few lines, just to learn if it is practicable for us to join Company at Turin? -- Please drop me a line upon the subject--and with our united love--believe me ever affectionately yours,

Hiram Powers.

