Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to HIRAM POWERS, dated October 17, 1863.

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Publication InformationNimes Oct 17 '63

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Dear Powers

We regretted extremely to have missed you at Turin, and the rather because we fear we shall miss you again on your return. Our house, which we were to have had on the 7' of Sept. is still under repair, and is now positively promised for Nov. 1'. So, being homeless in the mean time, we have wandered off hither, & expect to get back about the 29' or 30 of this month, though we may be a day or two later. We expect to reach

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Nice in about a week, & then go home by the Corniche as far as Savona, then to Cuneo & so to Turin. If you come to Turin on or after Nov. 2' (the 1' being Sunday we cannot move our troops that day) you will find us in the house where we were when you first saw us at Turin, Casa d'Angennes Via del Teatro d'Angennes three steps from [Feder's?].

Mrs M joins me in kindest regards to you all & in earnest hopes for your daughter's safe passage

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through her great trial.

Yours faithfullyGeo P Marsh

H Powers Esq

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