Letter from GEORGE OZIAS MARSH to HIRAM POWERS, dated November 23 1857.

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Publication InformationTremont HouseBoston Nov. 23 57

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My dear sir,

In the long interval which has passed, since a single letter from Lulie terminated my most pleasant intimacy with your family, I have heard nothing from you except through the public prints, and twice through my father. One of your children, who were all so dear to me, I shall meet no more; the others, my father tells me, have been ill, while I have once been wrecked and once been brought to Death's door by disease. How many

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changes three short years can bring about! After I left Florence for the last time I went to Germany where I remained six months, then to Paris where I passed a year, and then returned to America, being forty three days on a most disastrous voyage from Liverpool to Boston, where I now am in a law office. You have, I suppose, worked the while at your noble art. Kellogg

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I hear has established himself at Paris where he has fitted up a gallery. Gould I know nothing of. Is he with you in Florence? Reed is in Philadelphia where I hear of him occasionally, more as a poet than an artist. And the young man who has that bright, good, little, cross-eyed wife, I cannot now recall his name, White wasn't it?--is in New York where, I hear, he paints successfully And pray what have you done for art since I saw you? Busy as

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ever, I suppose. Only yesterday I was wishing for one of your files, which are certainly the best for many purposes, I ever saw. I hope Mrs Powers is well and my fair favorite Lulie, now such a young lady that I fear the pretty name I knew her by must give place to a more formal style of address.

Pray remember me to all yours and believe me very sincerely

YoursGeo. . MarshH. Powers Esq.Florence

References in this letter:

Frances Austin Powers ("Fannie"), Hiram and Elizabeth Powers' seventh child, was born in Florence in 1849 and died there, apparently of rheumatic fever, in 1857.

