Letter from GEORGE OZIAS MARSH to HIRAM POWERS, dated June 17, 1854.
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My dear Sir,
I wrote you a few lines from Milan to tell you that we had seen nothing of anyone
from Florence, which you have doubtless received before this. After leaving Milan we
crossed the Stelvio with some difficulty and went direct to Munich. While there we
visited the foundry where Crawford's monument is being cast and were very much
interested in what we saw there and we all with one accord decided that Mr. Powers
must do something in bronze--in fact Miss [...]
who was particularly emphatic
declared, that when Congress voted to have you make a statue of her, it should be in
nothing but bronze. Crawford's works particularly his
Jefferson, look much better, it seems to me, in the metal than in plaster.
Still, I do not like the J. We went from Munich to Bamberg where we parted to meet
perhaps never again. Father will spend some weeks in Switzerland then go to Paris
and finally cross over to England to take the steamer. I know your time is too
precious for letter-writing but if one of the children should get time to drop me a
line I should be very much gratified
My address is N 8 Französische
Strasse. Pray remember me most kindly to Mrs. Powers to whom I shall ever remain a
debtor for her unbounded kindness and believe me
Most truly yrs.George .
I enclose a letter for Nanni with whom as a correspondent I hope to have better success than with Luly last winter.
References in this letter:
Anna Barker Powers ("Nannie"), Hiram and Elizabeth Powers' fourth child, was born in Florence in 1841 and died in 1919.