Letter from SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated November 9, 1874.

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Publication InformationSmithsonian Institution,Washington, D.C. November 9, 1874.

My Dear Mr Marsh.

I am happy to say that I have secured a copy of the Report on Forests; two of them, indeed; one sent by the Edmunds & one by Dr Hough, the author. I will send you the duplicate if you wish it.

I wrote you a week or two ago on this subject, thanking you for your attention in sending Lucy the Archaeological Bulletin.

Very truly yours,Spencer F. Baird

Hon. Geo. P. Marsh.
U.S. Minister,

References in this letter:

Franklin Benjamin Hough, Cutivation of Timber and Preservation of Forests,/ULINE>. Washington, 1874. (U.S. House of Representatives, 43 Congress, 2 Session, Report 259.)

George Franklin Edmunds (1828-1919) began his career practicing law in Burlington. He served in the Vermont State House of Representatives and in the State Senate. In 1866 he was elected to the United States Senate as a Republican to fill the vacancy caused by Solomon Foot's death and served for four terms. He resigned in 1891. Edmunds was married to Susan Edmunds, the daughter of Marsh's sister and Wyllys Lyman, his Burlington friend.

Lucy Hunter Baird, 1848-1913, the only child of Spencer Fullerton and Mary Helen Churchill Baird. She shared her father's interests in the natural world. As a child, Lucy had, as a pet, a large black snake, whose tail touched the ground when held by Lucy, sitting on her father's shoulders. It was her memoirs and reminisces which formed the majority of the William H. Dall biography of her father.

Archaeological Bulletin of the Muncipality of Rome Rome. Commissione Archeologica. Bulletino: 1872-1920.

