Letter from SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated August 8, 1858.

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Publication InformationNo. 932+ Smithsonian InstitutionWashington, D.C. Aug. 8 1858

My Dear Mr. Marsh

I send first sig. of our new catalogue of Transactions &. Please look over mark any corrections of typography, grammar cc. and return to me at Carlisle, Pa. where we go tomorrow.

I will only trouble you with the North Europeans, as this portion is most difficult to get correct

Mary has not been very well lately, but I hope our Carlisle trip will benefit her. We expect to be there til the middle of Sept. and then to return via Phila

With love to Mrs. Marsh I amever yoursS F Baird

Hon. Geo P Marsh

References in this letter:

In 1847 Joseph Henry proposed a publishing program for the Smithsonian Institution to honor Smithson's bequest for the increase and diffusion of knowledge. In 1849, the first volume, edited by Marsh, was published in a series called "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge." This volume was distributed to 173 foreign institutions and marked the beginning of the Smithsonian's exchange network. Subsequent monographs were based on original scientific work sponsored by the Smithsonian and on Smithsonian collections. The series was apparently conceived as part of a larger series called "Transactions of the Institution."

