Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated February 26, 1876.

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Publication InformationRome Feb 26 76

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Dear Baird

I send, by the supply from Civita Vecchia, Prof Bombicci's , of which I wrote some time ago. It is directed to the Smithsonian, & I write by this post to Prof. Henry expressing hope that it may be reviewed & a copy of the notice sent me. Lithological people here praise it -----

I send a discourse by our syndic on opening the new museum in which are many curious & beautiful things & more coming to light everyday.

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One of my friends, whose brother is an engineer employed in the delta of the Po, says that his brother tells him that the still lingers in the marshes and pools in that region. It was common [there?] 500 years ago, and [...][...] constructive, but I do not find any notice of it as now extant in any late works in Italian Nat. Hist.

I hope the economic rages of the House won't reach you. At any rate, they cannot reduce your salary as Fish Com much though I dare say they may take away your boats.

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Love to Mary & Lucy

Yours trulyGeo P Marsh

Prof Baird

References in this letter:

Luigi Bombicci, Corso di mineralogia, 1862. Marsh owned the second edition, Bologna, 1873.

Trained as a physicist, Joseph Henry (1797-1878) was professor of natural philosophy at Princeton University where he conducted original research on electricity and magnetism. When the Smithsonian Institution was created, he was chosen as its first Secretary. From 1846 to 1878 Henry established basic policies and defined the scope of the Smithsonian's activities.

An agent of a corporation or a body of men engaged in a buisness eneterprise.

In the 1860s Baird had became concerned about the decline of Atlantic fish populations. In a 1870 report to the House Committee on Appropriations he suggested the appointment of a Fish Commissioner to direct research into the problem. President Grant appointed Baird the first director of the newly formed U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries in 1871.

