Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated November 20, 1874.

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Publication InformationRome Nov 20 74

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Dear Baird

Yours of Nov. 2 is to the fore. I am afraid I did not ackn. specifically, but I included it general in thanksgiving for the package in my last. Of the five cop. I gave one to the Specola at Florence, one to the Italia Agricola, Milan, one to the Min. of Agric. Com & Industry, & have the remaining two.

I hope I shall get the Forestry Rep. which will be useful to me here. My letter on Irrigation has been republished in Italian, not by any procurement of mine. Whether the Comm. of Agric included it in his Report, I don't know, but if

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so, I trust it is not so shamefully misprinted as the Senate edition

I am sorry I could not send this Archeol. Pub. some other way, but really I don't know any other. Sent by post they would certainly be stolen.

I found just now an old envelope with stamps laid aside for Lucy. I suppose she has finished that Liebhaberei by this time, but I enclose them, not knowing how else to get rid of 'em, for stamps is fell in the market.

Yours very trulyGeo P Marsh

Prof S F Baird

P.S . Norges Velstandskilder C. VII [says?] the deep-sea fisheries on the Norv. coast (Lofoden [...]) are as plentiful as ever, & are practically

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inexhaustible, human depredations being infinitesimal in comparison with those of predacious fish & birds. Any fish which go "ashore" to spawn are diminished, saith he, which is comforting, for we Italians feed much on Norwegian cod.

References in this letter:

The Reale Osservatorio Astronomico di Arcetri, the astronomical observatory in Florence.

Franklin Benjamin Hough, Cutivation of Timber and Preservation of Forests,/ULINE>. Washington, 1874. (U.S. House of Representatives, 43 Congress, 2 Session, Report 259.)

George Perkins Marsh, Irrigation: Its Evils, the Remedies, and the Compensations. Rome, July 24, 1873. February 10, 1874; 43 Congress I Session; Senate Miscellaneous Documents 55.

Archaeological Bulletin of the Muncipality of Rome Rome. Commissione Archeologica. Bulletino: 1872-1920.

German: favorite amusement, hobby

Christian August Wulfsberg, Norges naturlige Velstandskilder. Christiania, 1872.

