Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated January 14, 1868.

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Publication InformationFlorence Jany 14 68

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Dear Baird

I have received thy circular & acknowledgements and sent them off in the way they should go. There is now at Washington my friend Cesare Orsini, a young Italian who has gone thither on financial business for this government. He leaves America for Europe in March, and would, I have no doubt, take charge of two or three humming birds for our princess.

I do not know his address, but if you messenger will inquire at the Italian

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minister's, he will learn where to deliver the enclosed letter.

We are having the coldest winter remembered for many years. I have indeed not observed the mercury below 27 F., but it has hung between that point and 41 for a long time, which is much for this climate. --

New Year's & Xmas compliments from me & mine to thee and thine ad infinitum, and now, as we Italians say, I will relieve thee of the inconvenience.

Yours trulyG. P. Marsh

