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Publication InformationFlorence April 9 66

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Dear Baird

I have yours of Feb 18' and have considered it. Also I sent Salvadore thy missive. The bird book has not come but en revanche, I have seen Elliot's monograph of the Pittidae. I say nothing of his science, but his English might be bettered. I read your pamphlets on vagabond birds with much interest. The facts you state about transition varieties, transitory or permanent, are very interesting, and of course, have a very important bearing on the question and other greater questions which lie behind that. In a box which goes to N.Y. about this time, I send you a small Italian vogelbach (or Fischbuch, I forget which) I think the Italians are not doing much in a scientific way. Matteucci is great, I know, and what is more, is an excellent friend to us, but he is completely broken down with over work. I regret it greatly, for many reasons. Have you seen Mantegazza's essay on animal grafting? I dare say you have, or other things as good, but very curious it is, particularly the transplantation of a cock's spurs from his heels to his head, and other like oddities. I did suspect you of having a hand in the Academy business, but I

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thought the Academy's operations were confined strictly to the natural & physical sciences. I do not think [...] plan of a separate Academy good. The French Institute system is better. We [...] are, sadly deficient in about everything. They do these things better in France--Why not extend the plan of our Academy in a similiar way? I see one objection in some people's eyes, plain enough. A. B. and C. can [...] an Institute of ["brands?"] , not so easily, if it has five. By the way you say I am assigned to the section of . Ethnology & . Secretary Gibbs puts me down to & Philology. Well, it does not matter much. --

I fear we cannot do anything with booksellers about exchanges, because the Italian booksellers have no organisation. If a Naples booksellers publishes a volume, he advertises that if anybody will send him a P.O. order for the price, he will forward the book, but he never thinks of sending it to a Florentine bookseller to sell. Of course, nobody

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will take the trouble to get a P.O. order for three francs, & his book remains unsold. Three months ago, a book I wanted was published at Bari, with which place we have a daily RR communication. My bookseller did not get it in less than eight weeks from the order, & then only on writing a third time. In short, bookseller knows nothing of booksellers in Italy, but they get French & German publications readily enough. The trouble is partly with the nefarious management of the RR. There are no expresses, if you send you pay as much for freight on your parcel [as it] is worth; if , your correspondent never gets it, or at best months afterwards. I had a small box of books sent from Genoa--12 hours by RR--last autumn. It was two months before it was delivered, & then only after an energetic interference on the part of the government.

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There is here however, a German bookseller who has the breath of life in him. He is now away but when comes back I will see him. ---

Don't know "weentry" conjecture it to be an improvement on Scotch wee. I perceive, however, that in some English dialects to is to whimper. Perhaps that is a more probable etymology. I am full of delight over a [], or ["l?"] Alpenstock my brother Charles has sent me, It is not too heavy, and it is stronger than all the woods of Europe. I hope to flourish it over some glaciers this summer.

Mrs Marsh is poorly & will be obliged to go to Paris to consult abler physicians then she can find elsewhere

She joins me in love to you all

Yours trulyG P Marsh

Prof Baird

References in this letter:

Spencer F. Baird, "with the cooperation of" John Cassin and George N. Lawrence, The Birds of North America. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1860.

Daniel Giraud Elliot, ULINE>Monograph of the Pittidae(together)/ULINE>. New York: D. Appleton, 1861. *correct text spelling of monograph)

In addition to significant contributions to experimental physiology and physics, Carlo Matteucci (1811-1868) was active in Italian politics. He was a worked for the Liberal cause during the 1848 struggle and was made Senator for Life. In 1862 he became Minister of Education.

Paolo Mantegazza (1831-1910) directed the first experimental pathology laboratory in Europe and published many papers and book. Possibly Marsh is referring to Degli innesti animali e della produzione artificiale delle cellule. Milan, 1865.

Charles Marsh (1821-1873), Marsh's youngest brother, maintained the family farm in Woodstock until his death. He and Marsh frequently corresponded about barometric pressure, precipitation, mountain heights, and other natural and meteorological phenomena

