Letter from GEORGE PERKINS MARSH to SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD, dated September 12, 1858.

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Publication InformationBurlington Sept 12. 58

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Dear Baird

Herewith I return thy proof corrected, as far as I can

P. 8 in some places, possibly it should be Årsberättelser (the plural), but without inspection of the books, I can't tell whether the title is Repor (one for several years) or Report. But it matters not much.

P.7 I think Dronthein in small caps is well.

P.11 Rit þess-The character which looks like a is the Icelandic þ=Greek , and as you have not the character, I have put instead.

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P.23 The Genootschap at the head of the page (like that at the foot of p. 22), ".") takes its name from its , "Een onvermooeder arbeid komt alles te boven," and those words should be to the heading you have given, which is imperfect meaning only "The Society, which has for its motto-----"

I do not see any Bohemian Hungarian Transactions in your list. The pub. of the Bohemian Soc. at Gratz (I think it is) are valuable.

We shall not be in N.Y. till the end of October, & our lodgings will be at Mrs. Baker's University Place West side one door below corner

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of Ninth St.

Mrs M. is not so well, lately, but I hope it is but a temporary relapse. I perceive Gould's enemies are bestirring themselves. Well, I am glad I am not in that quarrel.

I advise you to have matrices cut for, Å and å. The Danish aa is an equivalent, it is true, but the regular Swedish å looks better. You will want them every year & it is a small matter of cost.

I am glad to hear you, I mean you all are doing well, & my wife joins me in love

Yours trulyGeorge P. Marsh

Prof S F Baird

