Letter from WILLIAM GOODHUE SHAW to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated October 12, 1857.

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State of VermontExecutive DepartmentMontpelier Oct 12 1857

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Dear Sir,

I enclose you Gov. Fletchers order on the Treasurer of the State for One hundred dollars being amount appropriation to defray the expenses of the inquiries directed by the Legislature with the science of Pisciculture --

I know the amount of the appropriation is an insignificant compensation for the valuable report furnished by you on this interesting subject, but Republics, you know, are proverbially ungrateful and we have to submit --

With great respect

Your obedient servantW G. Shaw

Sec c over

Hon Geo. P. MarshBurlington

Page 2

P.S. If I can be of any service in procuring this order cashed and remitting the proceeds to you, after you have endorsed it, I will with pleasure do so for you ---

W. G. S.

References in this letter:

Governor Ryland Fletcher, (1799-1885), was born in Cavendish, Vermont. He was the first distinctly Republican Governor of the state of Vermont, and was active in the anti-slavery movement. On January 6, 1857, during his administration, the State House in Montpelier was destroyed by fire, and he appointed a committee to oversee the reconstruction.

Henry M. Bates, (1808-1865) was the Treasurer of the State for the years 1854-1860.

William G. Shaw, (1831-1892), was the Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs under Governor Ryland Fletcher.

