Letter from OREL COOK, JR. to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated August 28, 1854.

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Rutland Aug 28 1854.

Hon. Geo. P. Marsh, Sir,

I am instructed by the Rutland Co. Agricultural Society to request of you an Address before them at their Ninth Annual Fair, to be held at Rutland Sept 27 & 28 ult. next. The address is expected at 1 o'clock p.m. on the 28

Permit me to say that many of your warm friends in this county express an earnest desire to see & hear you again.

The Society has delayed till this late hour to invite any one to make the Address, for your return from foreign lands, hoping you will benefit them by observation upon Agriculture in other Countries.

The Society is to hold a Levee on Wednesday evening 27th at which Senator Foote will preside. Mr Meacham is invited, & several persons of distinction from abroad--Every town in the County will be represented by some of their best farmers cc.-We should be very glad to add the attraction of your presence.

Respectfully YoursOrel Cook JrSecretary.

References in this letter:

Marsh published this as Address Delivered Before the Agricultural Society of Rutland Couty, Sept. 30, 1847. Rutland, Vermont, 1848.

Solomon Foot served as one of Vermont's two U.S. Senators from 1863 until his death on March 28, 1866.

James Meacham (1810-1856), a Vermont Whig, replaced Marsh in 1849 when Marsh left Congress to take up his post as Minister to Turkey. Meacham was appointed to the Smithsonian Board to Regents in 1852.

