Letter from G. P. A. HEALY to GEORGE PERKINS MARSH, dated June 12, 1849.

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Boston June 12 1849.

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Dear Marsh,

I beg to inform yourself & family that I am to sail for Liverpool in the Steamer Europa from this port on the 20 of this month, & shall be some time in London before you--when you reach that famous city please send me a line to , & I shall be with you & yours accompanied by Mrs. Healy --

If that book for the autographs is still in Washington I beg you to have it sent to Charles W. Welsh, Navy Department--& if you have it please forward it by Express to Adolphe Bousquet No 127. Tremont S Boston. -- I am in the seventh heaven of happiness to think I may see Mrs. Healy & the dear children in three

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weeks from this time! I sincerely hope my dear friend to see you all well & happy in about six weeks.

I had the pleasure of seeing Miss. Paine a few days since-- several of my friends are to sail in the same steamer with me how I wish you, dear Mrs. Marsh & sister were to be of the party!

Mrs. Healy knows nothing of my intention to return so soon, is that not nice?

God Bless you & yoursis the sincere prayer ofAlways yoursHealy

2. Franklin Place

References in this letter:

The American portrait painter, George Peter Alexander Healy (1813-1894), was one of the most popular artists of his time. He is known for his paintings of presidents, statesman, and members of Society on both sides of the Atlantic. A native of Boston, he studied in France under Antoine-Jean Gros and established a studio in Paris. In 1840, the U.S. Minister to France, General Lewis Cass, introduced Healy to King Louis Phillippe, and his reputation was established in Europe. In all, Healy made thirty trans-Atlantic trips but settled in Chicago at the behest of a wealthy Illinois businessman, William Butler Ogden.

