Letter to James A. Paddock, April 7, 1822

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Washington, April 7th 1822Dear Sir,

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I acknowledge with pleasure the receipt of yours of the 29th ultimo which has just been received. It gives me the more satisfaction as I discover by it that you are convalescent. I have heard infrequently of the bad state of your health the winter past, and I assure you that I have experienced much anxiety on your account. I think I can duly appreciate your feelings, and the discouragement that such a precarious state of health must produce upon the spirits of a person of your age and your desire to engage in some employment, by which you might become useful to yourself and to your country. However present prospects may appear gloomy, and discouraging, it is not the path of wisdom to . We can not look into futurity; if we could, you might very possibly, discover many years of health and happiness in store for you. It is not uncommon for persons, who, at your age have been afflicted with complaints that seemed to baffle the skills of the physicians, to have gradually got the better of their complaints, and become hale and sound. You propose going to the springs. It may possibly be beneficial, at any rate it may be well to make the trial. Any aid that I can give you to forward the object shall be awarded with great pleasure. I conclude you will not think of the journey before I return home.

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I received a week or two since a letter from Mr Clark with a note from Clarissa requesting me to purchase for her a shawl. Her request shall be attended to. I should have written an answer to Mr Clarks letter before this, if I had not , previously to receiving his, already written to him, which I hope has been received. As you tell me you have either read, or heard read all the Intelligencers, you have of course all the news that I could give you. Many of the newspapers, or [      ] newspaper makers, have attempted to attach blame upon Congress for not business with more rapidity. It is true business has progressed very slowly; perhaps uncommonly so; but during no session, at which I have been a member, has Congress sat more hours each day. The former part of the session we sat from three to four hours, and for two months last part , from 5 to 8. The difficulty has been that the subjects before us have been important, and on which there has been a great diversity of opinion, and were such as opened a wide field for debate. Business of late has progressed better, and I expect, as much is in considerable forwardness, the usual quantity will be before we rise. We have not yet fixed the day of adjournment. I think it will not take place before the first monday of May. I am very desirous to have that time arrive, for I have been homesick a long time

Mr J A Paddock

Give my love to Mr Clark, Your Mama, Clarissa, Benjamin, and Ephraim, and believe me to be sincerely & affectionately YoursS C Crafts

