Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, November 27, 1820

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Washington Nov 27th 1820My dear friend,

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I waited all day yesterday in expectation of receiving a letter from you or Mary, and should have been very uneasy lest sickness had prevented, if I had not received one from Samuel dated on the 19, in which he informed me that Gibb had not been at Burlington on that week, probably on account of the badness of the travelling - this circumstance has given me room to hope that you and the family are well which I pray may be the case. Samuel writes me that he should return home in the course of a week or two from the date of his letter, that his health was good, but that it had been rather sickly among the students. I expect he will be at home previously to the receipt of this letter. Fearing that he might not have money enough by him to bear his expenses home I yesterday wrote to him (at Burlington) and enclosed a five dollar bill; if it does arrive before he leaves Burlington, he would do well to send for by Gibb, as it is probable the postmaster there may neglect to forward it by the mail.

I wrote to brother Corbin about the pork I mentioned in my last letter to you, and doubt not he will supply you with what you may think necessary, I should suppose at least 300, [  ] and perhaps more, & I enclose you twenty five dollars, for the purpose of paying for it & for your butter - I would sent you more if I had it on hand - but will soon forward more - I wish you would inform me how you get along - and whether you are supplied without difficulty with meal [    ] etc.

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and how Mr Hidden manages with the farm stock etc. I expect you have a very severe weather in Vermont, but judging by what we have here, particularly yesterday & to day. For 8 or 10 days the weather has been rather pleasant, tho' not very warm; but yesterday the wind changed to the NW and it has become quite cold so much as the Southern people complain very much - there is however no snow on the ground, nor has there been any since about the time I arrived here. I have not seen the president, nor any of the great folks here, nor have I made any visits. There was a party at Mr Calhoons last week I am informed about two hundred gentlemen and ladies, it was what is called a tea-party, or in other words a squeeze - they met at 8 & broke up about 11 - There is another similar one to be at Mr Adams' this week, so on among all the great folk - I expect however that I shall not trouble them much with my presence - The president has not yet opened his house for parties -

S.C.C. to E.C.
Nov. 27, 1820

Mrs Crafts

Give my best love to Mary, & accept the assurance of my affectionate regards to yourselfSamuel C. Crafts

