Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, November 12, 1820

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Washington November 12th 1820My dearest Friend,

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This is the first opportunity I have had to write you since I left Albany, at which place I wrote to you. We took our departure from Albany on the morning and unfortunately the steamboat got a ground soon after we set out and remained in sight of Albany until sundown, at which time the tide rose sufficiently high to float us off - by this delay we arrived the next day too late to get a passage to Philadelphia, and were under the necessity of [        ] there over night - From New York by travelling night and day I have arrived here without any further accident and in good health - From Albany to New York I was in company of Romes Woodworth - he has resided in NYork since he removed for Montreal - he has married again - and informs me that he is not at present engaged in any business - but I was informed that he made a very handsome property at Montreal during the late war, which he has transferred to N.Y. but had not [      ] it as yet in any [     ] of business - Woodsworth informed me that he has been at Farmington & Hartford during the past summer, was at Doct Todds - and says he was informed that the Doct was gaining practice very fast, having nearly or quite as much as he could attend to - I also met Mr Reefs in New York just as I was coming away, he told me that the Doctors family were all in good health two days before

S. C. Crafts
Nov. 12, 1820

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I should have been much more particular in my enquiries, but supposing he would be in company with me to Washington, and I could make them when more at than at that time, I parted with him, and learn he was detained at New York, and has not yet arrived here - The members of Congress have generally got here, and there is no doubt but a quorum will be found at the call of the house tomorrow. I have not yet fixed upon a boarding house for the session I have been looking round a little, and find they all want a little advance upon the last years prices - Mr Richard & myself will take a room together as usual -

The weather is been rather unpleasant during the whole of my journey - yesterday it snowed the whole time we were passing from Baltimore to this place, to day it is rainy and the snow is all gone, but the roads are all mud - I suppose the weather has been too bad for Mr Kindall to finish the roof - and fear as it has got so late in the season that it cannot be done this season - I hope that you will suffer no considerable inconvenience this winter from on that account -

Give my love to Mary - tell her I will write to her as soon as I can get established in some boarding house - in the mean time I have no convenient place nor time for writing
I remain, dear Eunice, your affectionately S C Crafts

