Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, February 6, 1819

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Washington Feb [6]th 1819My dear Friend

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The last mail from Vermont brought me your kind and affectionate letter of the 23d [    ] for which I tender you my most cordial thanks. Your letter, I assure you, has been doubly acceptable; for it has not only brought the assurance of a continuation of that friendship and affection, which it is my duty, and I pray God, may ever be my fortune to deserve, but it has also relieved my mind from the doubts and apprehensions about your health, which have incessantly haunted my , and placed a weight upon my heart, that nothing but your letter has had power to remove. I am extremely anxious to get home, and, by my assistance and attentions, to relieve you from the burden of care & privations, which my absence has thrown upon you; and I shall wait, with extreme impatience, the arrival of the Fourth of March, which will enable me again to revisit the friend, who alone have the power to interest my affections and make me happy. I have little news to write you - excepting that there has [           ] been a foolish and murderous duel fought here this morning, between a General Mason & a Captain McCarty, both of Virginia, and of high families and large fortunes - the cause was a po

Feb. 6th 1819.

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litical quarrel; they proceeded with their seconds three of four miles out of the city, and with muskets loaded with a ball & three buckshot, in each gun, and at a distance of less than thirty feet apart, they fired at each other at the same instant, General Mason was killed instantly, the whole passing his heart, the Captain was only wounded in his bum - and what renders the transaction more unnatural, the were connected both by the ties of consanguinity and [affinity] - Such is the sacrifice that the bubble, honor, requires of her votaries! Congress have been engaged in a long and [        ] debate about the conduct of General Jackson in the late Indian war, and I have become extremely tired of the subject - and when it will concluded I know not. The subject does not merit half of the importance that is attached to it. And not withstanding it has been clearly ascertained, far a long time, that a majority of Congress will not censure General Jackson, yet the rage for speechifying continues unabated.

I received a letter from Samuel with yours and will write to him next week - and I will answer very acceptable letter - I will attend to the request contained in yours -

Inform Samuel and Mary of the continuance of my love - My respects to Mr Corbins and Mr Clarks families - and accept the assurance of my being affectionately and unalterably yoursSamuel C. Crafts

