Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, January 1, 1819

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Washington, Jan. 1, 1819

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I tender you my sincere thanks, my dear friend, for your kind letter to me, and which has given me real pleasure, a pleasure not the less hightoned by coming unexpectedly. I hear but seldom from Craftsbury, and excepting a letter from Mr Young dated the 18th of December, written on business respecting the [port road], in which is a note at the bottom where he says, 'he has that day seen you, and that you and Mary are well', I have heard nothing from home since you wrote being the 4th of Dec. It is true I have had a letter from Samuel dated the 9th which gave me no information from home later than yours -- I have written every week, part of the time to you, and part to Samuel, and shall continue to do so while I tarry here. You charge me in your letter to give you a journal of passing my time here - I will do it cheerfully and truly, and so few the incidents, and the same so uniform, that a history of the employment of one day, is with very small variations, the history of every day - After this preface I will begin in the morning - I arrive about sunrise, look over the business assigned for the day and at nine o'clock we breakfast; after that we attend on the committees, or go to the public offices to get the several claims allowed, which [   ] sent to us in great numbers - and then meet in the hall of representatives, where we attend until three or four o'clock, then go to our quarters and dine after which if the streets are dry, we sometimes walk half a mile and back - at 7 we have tea or coffee, and the rest of the evening we devote to writing letters, reading the public documents, and newspa-

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pers, and about ten go to bed - This is the journal of one day, and a repetition of it makes the journal of a week, or month etc. It is true that our employment vary a little to day - Congress adjourned yesterday not to meet again until next - an account of the death of the Mr Mumford, a representative from North Carolina who died yesterday and whose funeral we have attended this [        ] - and for whom Congress will wear mourning for one month - Mr Mumford was born at New London in , and emigrated to N. Carolina, when young - and was related to the family of Mumfords with whom you were formerly acquainted - There has been no performances at the theatre this winter, so that the only places of resort for the is at the Presidents about once a fortnight, at [     ], and the British [an] French ministers, about as often; these [     ] begin at 8 in the evening and last until about ten - and the whole process, as I am informed, (for I have never attended one), consists in makings [    ] and showing themselves, and if you please, taking a piece of cake and a glap of punch or wine. Some of the members attend the [     ], but I believe no one from Vermont - I have in general enjoyed a tolerable state of health - I expect you have some pretty cold weather in Vermont - it has been cold here; for about a fortnight the ground has been covered with snow and the river frozen about six inches, and for several days the sleighs have run briskly - to day it is thawing and the roads very muddy -

S.C.C. to E.C.
? 1. 1819

Give my sincere love to Mary - and accept the assurance of my sincere love and affection to yourself.Samuel

