Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, May 8, 1820
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When I wrote you last week I thought that would be the last I should write to you from this place, for I was determined to set out for home at this time. Since writing that letter Congress has agreed upon the day to adjourn, which is on next. The business before congress is of such a nature, that there is a great unwillingness to allow any member leave of absence, unless in case of sickness. Not more than eight or ten have yet left congress. I have enjoyed my usual good health but get no letters from home, it is now a month since I have heard from you, or indeed from Samuel - I cannot account for his not writing as his letters would come in about a week, and if you or the family were sick, I should think that Mr Corbin, or some of my friends give me information of it - I pray you may all be well.
When I leave here I shall proceed as fast as possible & shall probably be home sooner than a letter would be conveyed by mail - and therefore shall not write again before I see you -
That you & the children may enjoy every blessing is the sincere prayer of your constant & affectionate friendSamuel