Letter to Mary N. Collamer, February 13, 1859

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Washington City Feb. 13. 1859Mary,

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Another week has passed since I wrote Lizzie, who, no doubt, informed you; & I am now quite as well as usual. There is is now but three weeks left of the session.

I have recd. & answered a letter from Frances since Ellen had a letter from Thomas & I have, at the solicitation of the girls, promised to visit there on my way home at the close of the session.

A very unpleasant proposition, that is, the acquisition of Cuba, is now agitated in Congress & will occasion much discussion & I may have to perform & present a full speech on the subject. You know such a

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preparation & performance is a matter of real work for me. Others may so entirely discuss the matter that I shall feel excused. A few days will determine.

I was out to dine one evening last week at J. Thompson's Secretary of the Interior. It was entirely a party of gentlemen & the dinner was much as usual. Four Senators & the rest members. On my return in the evening I called at the Sexton's party of gentlemen & stopped a few minutes. I declined one invitation to dine out next Tuesday. The weather is now dry & fresh, but most of the time it is rainy & damp, & in such weather I go out as little as possible & never in the evening. I have been this day to hear the Congregational minister Mr. Bassett. He preaches in the church where Dr. Butler once preached & where we used occasionally to go with Mr & Mrs Buffington. His

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discourse was mainly of slavery. His audience very thin & indeed it is quite obvious he will not succeed in getting up a congregational church in this city.

It being settled that our Meetinghouse is to be repaired, I suppose some other place of worship must be had for the next season & I hope some measures may be taken to obtain the Town Hall, but presume they will take no measures until the opening of next spring. I think the arrangements for our work should now be entered upon immediately. I suspect from what Mr. Williams wrote me that no meeting for action will be holden before my time of return. I need write no more of this as I presume it is enough a topic of conversation at home without my writing.

We hereafter meet at 11 o clock instead of 12, So have time for nothing in the morning but I make it up at night, never going to bed before 12 o clock.

Love to all. Good night.Affectionately Your Husband

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P.S. Monday Morning (Feb. 14) Just recd. Mary's note of last Friday. All well. Tell her Mr. Ewing says Mrs. Sherman now resides at Levenworth Kansas & her health is now good.

